Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wedding bells

Here it comes again, soon it's my Wedding Anniversary! 2002-02-02 I said I do to my honey pie. I need your best tips for a perfect gift for him. I have one idea but I'm not really sure yet. So Fredrik, don't read the comments to this insert!

This is our wedding song, we dansed to this after we did two waltzes. Look at it and see the date he performed this song live:):):)

PS: Thank you for your kind words, I'm hoping the worst is over and that all the boys are back on the healthy path. xoxoxoxox


Anonymous said...

Beautiful song!
We married the same year, may 3 2002. Its the date we "discovered each other", 1996 05 03. My God, time flies! Wish i could give you a tip for the perfect gift. I guess he already has it; YOU! Wrap yourself in golden paper with a pink ribbon around, hehe!
Lots of kisses!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I agree with Caroline. Give the best you can give, you!!