Today we were really happy campers despite the wind, slush and mud, and took a long walk, about 4km, to Fredriks work. It's a country road but they drive pretty fast so I usually have Gabriel walk in front of me and the dogs to my left side, that way they don't all get tangled into each other. Gabriel drags his feet like most 6 year olds do, and I want to keep up the pace. I finally got tired of telling him to walk faster(seriously he was tip-toaing), and this is our conversation:
ME: Gabriel come on, if you don't start walking faster I'm going to run you over with the stroller soon.
Gabriel: (who stops dead in his tracks and turns around with a look of chock and says:) Mom, would you seriously run your own child over with the stroller???
ME:(laughing like crazy at his facial impressions) Yes I would if you don't get a move on!
After a while we get to a curve that's uphill but cars coming torwards us don't see real well so I told him to hurry and get up the hill and we kept a great pace. Good Job Gabe!! I said when we made it thru the curve. After a while he says "Thank you mom", I'm like for what? He says: For telling me I did a good job.
You'd think the child never heard it but he does, everyday, it was just cute because he really pointed it out hahahaa..he's such a cool guy!

Hey! You´ve lost some weight I notice... One can´t imagine that you´re having your xx birthday soon. You look fabulous!!!
Min telefon ska ha den funktionen, MEN (i bästa Tony Irving stil) det brukar oftast brytas när jag gör det, så jag brukar sjippa det... :-)
Tack för den snälla kommentaren i min blogg!!*kram*
Ahhhh men tusan vad synd!
Anmälningstiden är slut och jag tjatade aldrig på mamma tillräckligt så vi har inte anmält :( Jag som vill diit!
haha, vilken roligt kommentar! Farliga mamman som hotar med att köra över barnen ;-)
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