Friday, January 30, 2009

Number 5!

Yes, Andrew is home with a tummy ache today! No vomiting but serious pain. I don't feel any of it yet but, I woke up with a cold.
Would be amazing if something didn't hit me considering how much I've been through this week. Not too bad and if it doesn't get any worse than this I'm ok. If it gets worse I'm in serious serious trouble! F is leaving Sunday come hell or high water and the only thing that will keep him home, maybe, is my death(maybe;))
Nobody bothers to ask mom anymore how she feels either, a huge bunch of "I feel sorry for myself" around here. My needs, my musts, my demands, my job, my this, my that..Blaaaaakkk!
Ok, time to stop complaining, I have something really cute to show you. Since the boys got Guitarr Heroe World Tour they have been polishing up on there musical skills. Andrew is such a cutie and loves the game. I taped him singing, yes I was sneaky but if he knew I was taping him he wouldn't have sung as well. The reason it's so dark is because I'm hiding in my hall and just trying to get the sound. He now knows I taped him and gave permission for me to show it. Sis, listen to how good his english is!! Isn't he the most adorable(=I love youuuuuu)?


Anonymous said...

What a singer!! Better than Bon Jovi him self!

Poor Mum, I hope your family is getting better soon, and that you don´t get the tummyproblems. Take Care!

Anonymous said...

Very Cool...My nephew the ROCKER!!! Next time i call and get him to answer I am going to make him speak english to me lol He sounded great! Sorry about all of you being sick...but a cold is better than vomiting anyday! Take care and talk to you next week!

30Something said...

Ewa- Thanks hun, isn't he a cutie?

Shannon-I know, he loves rock n roll, Gabriel too for that matter. Yep, now you have proof you can get him talking:)xoxoxox