Do you remember when I told you all about Rosie winning this photo contest?
Well we got a package this week from our friend Anna who owns PoshPooches and look at the adorable toy and goodies Rosie won!!

Thank you Anna for our generous gift! xoxoxoxox
Another big happening in doggy world is Monicas generous contest for one of her knitted doggy sweaters. Unfortanetly it's too small for Rosie but if you have a puppy or smaller chihuahua don't miss this beautiful chance!

Go in HERE for your chance to win.
Last but not least for today, I finally mad it to that store I really really wanted to visit in Stockholm. Fredrik and I took a little road trip today and we stopped by Small To Big . Super nice store with a coffee/lunch shop where your dogs are welcome. The lady that runs it was just a pleasure to talk to and buy from. We'll definately be return customers. If you can't make it to Stockholm don't worry, she has a web shop and the quality of the clothes was perfect! Here's a pic of what we bought today.

Åh, Ninnie berättade att du varit inne i affären i dag, och att ni hade pratat om min blogg :) Vad synd att vi missade varandra, hade varit jättekul att ses!
Men vilka fina köp du har gjort. Wooflink är ett grymt märke, och kappan med leopardkanter har Maggsan med. Den är så läcker! Själva slog vi till på nya klänningen med skotskrutig kjol - och en hel näve bling :D Kramar!
Du har fått en utmärkelse hos mig
Nya tröjan nästan klar:)
Vilka fina grejer!!
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