American "girl" living in sweden. Back to english again! With a dash of swedish.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Woooohoooo a positive insert. Bet you guys thought it was never coming again didn't you? Well fooooleed you because today I got some great news. It's definately a start in the right direction for my future plans. Here's a hint or two:
Hmm Il think I get it... and thanks for the suport for my wife today.........
Hmm Il think I get it...
and thanks for the suport for my wife today.........
Blommor och kärlek - härligt! Blir det ett romantiskt firande av bröllopsdagen månntro? :)
Skönt att höra att molnen skingrar sig! Kram!
Fly- Of course, alla har vi såna dagar. Hade jag kunnat(fått) hade jag kommit och hjälpt till.
Emma-nja, kanske det men det har inget med bilderna att göra:):):)
Well, since I know what the secret is. I can ony say; I´m soo happy for you. I really think thats your "thing".:-)
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