Guess who started feeling sick and vomited as soon as he got home? Fredrik! He was out for the count all day and just had a really terrible tummy ache. So, I plan and plan and let everyone know what's going on and boy did it backfire! Gucci's surgery Monday was well planned and of course none of us can help getting sick but there were still two trips planned in the same week for some reason. So guess who leaves again Sunday for 4 days!!! So just home long enough to be sick, and of no help, and leave again. Sorry for the gripe I'm just a little (=alot) overwhelmed right now.
I actually got a break for a date with Gabriel at the mall for some shopping. After about an hour there we get a call and F has a work emergancy and needed to talk. He called again half an hour later and needed me to come home! GAAAHHHH! Of course it's not his fault what's going on, and I don't blame him. Just feeling a bit sorry for myself.

I keep looking around for the hidden camera? This has to be a joke!
Tacko min första chi .. ja du läste ju om d i bloggen hua hua vad hemskt det va. dessutom en hund vi kände:(
Saknar lill killen han blev bara 6mån:(
Men snälla... Jag var bara tvungen att skriva igen. Du har verkligen en riktigt jobbig tid nu vännen. Jag hoppas du har möjlighet att ta några minuter för dig själv då och då så du får ladda batterierna.
Var rädd om dig gumman och hoppas du får vara frisk.
Massa styrkekramar//Indra
Ojojoj... och när ska mamma bli sjuk tro? Hoppas ni alla mår bättre snart!
Lina- stackars liten. Beklagar verkligen.
Tack kära vänner, det är tufft och lite overkligt på samma gång. kramar
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