It's not always easy being a doggy-mommy but I do my best. Jake headed to the vets yesterday for his PL exam(small dogs get there knees checked for Patella) and he did great and got the longed for 0 on both legs. Woohooo! On the other hand his underbite will probably not get any better and I had decided to neuter(kastrera) him at the same time Gucci gets fixed on the 26th. BUT.....
Several people have gotten in touch with me today and think I should wait. Jake really is a great looking chihuahua and maybe his bite will get better anyways. I decided to go ahead and cancel his appointment and wait and see.
Here's a couple of new pics of the babies:

Jake sleeping between my leg and the soffa

My bunch together
Such cute babies you have!! They are so lovely!!
Thank you darling! I've been waiting all day to hear from you, how did it go?
Tack för morgonens första goa skratt med magen i vädret där i soffan :)
Jake är jättefin chihuahua, fast vad vet jag, men jag tycker alla tre är jättefina!
Look at the lovely chihuahuas. Are they all male? So cute.
Tack söta Monica!
Madeleine: Tack! Det är en flicka och två killar jag har:)
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