Sunday- Fredrik and I put this awesome family breakfast together and I lit some candles. Hanging out, talking, drinking coffee and just starting the day. You know how you think things in your head, just flashes of stuff? I remember thinking: I want another peace of toast and I need to watch my arm on the candles. (The bread basket was on the other side of the candles) Well, for some reason I don't even do things cautiously. I throw my arm over the candle and WOOOOFFFFF, flames! On my new pink bathrobe I might add!! I jump crazy fast up out of my seat and start banging my arm against my body with F yelling in the background: Hang on, let me get a look. I'm thinking NO WAY, I'm on fire here for crying out loud! After I jumped around for a few seconds I dared take a look and yes, I had put the fire out, no damage to my skin and the robe is just a little brown. I ask you however, what the heck kind of chemicals is in that thing? It literally just flew up in flames.

Anyways, started thinking Noah is finally better yesterday. A few nightmaresh diaper incidences but fine. Well I got him to bed right before 8pm and went for a cup of tea last night. After about an hour he wakes up and I just know, he's never going to let me leave him so I carry him into the bathroom to brush my teeth and pee. I have to hold him while I pee and guess what? My word let me just say vomit in my panties, socks and everywhere else you can imagine! I start yelling for Kyle because I needed help. Of course all this crap always happens when F is out of town and he's now down south again so what a roller coaster ride! Got me and Noah changed, sorted, dogs out for a quicky with Kyle holding Noah and got us all in bed. Towels all around us just in case. Well Noah after a while just decided to hit everywhere accept the towels! Me, him, bed, pillows and everything! Just got up, started the whole changing process over. Today is only diaper nightmare so we're managing.
I did however have to pick Kyle up early since he had a terrible tummy ache! Here we go again.

Plus of the day: Jake, who for some reason, loves lying on the dogs toy bag and sleep, got to sleep with mommy last night. He loved it! He's a way better cuddler than Rosie too. Both him and Rosie cuddled up in my bed, don't tell daddy!!
men stackare jag vet hur det känns hoppas ni blir bättre snart kram
// linaa
Trist att ännu fler i familjen fått magsjuka. Hoppas det går över snabbt.
Här är det faktiskt husse som smugglar ner Selma i sängen, Sally hon kryper i smyg upp på natten under mitt täcke. Jag har vant mig det är tomt utan hundarna om de inte skulle sova där.
Trist att ännu fler i familjen fått magsjuka. Hoppas det går över snabbt.
Här är det faktiskt husse som smugglar ner Selma i sängen, Sally hon kryper i smyg upp på natten under mitt täcke. Jag har vant mig det är tomt utan hundarna om de inte skulle sova där.
Vilken skräck! Tur att du hann släcka elden så fort! Klart du ska få trösta dig med lite vovvar i sängen på nätterna, efter allt detta drama :)
Du ska inte ta en ny roadtrip på lördag? Lagerrensning, hundfika ... :D
Göstapetter vilka äventyr!
Men kära nån, vad du får vara med om! Jag håller med - vad kan det ha varit i den egentligen som fattar eld så våldsamt??
Och så jobbigt med magsjukan. :-( Hoppas verkligen du klarar dig själv. Men det brukar ju gå bra, mammor verkar ha ett bra skydd mot sina barns sjukdomar. :-)
Sköt om dig gumman! Kramar om!
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