Well, as I wrote before I was away to the doctors yesterday. What a huge difference having insurance, I say it again. My operation was booked for the 10th of March already! Boy did I get nervous but the nice doctor perscribed a sedative for me so I can stay calm the night before and day of surgery.
More fun, I finally dowloaded some pics. Look at the lovely gifts my friends spoiled me with last Sunday:

mkt fint du fått.. örhängen gillade jag! Kram
Vilka fina presenter! Bling bling kan man aldrig få för mycket av :)
Vad skönt att det löste sig med försäkringen, bra att ni tog i med hårdhandskarna!
Kul att se bilder från Katrineholm! Mycket fina presenter du fått *avundssjuk*
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