Well we made it there and back and it was alot of fun! Today my friend Ewa and I loaded up the car with ourselves, Noah, Andrew and a bunch of things that are good to have with you and headed to Stockholm, at 7am! We saw tons of beautiful dogs, of course mostly we satt and looked at all the amazing chihuahuas. I heard through rumor that Rosies pappa took yet another CERT today! Hope she shows off as good as her daddy in the rings.
One thing that really bothers me. Dog world is such a club thing. You know groups, closed groups. Not even people I know and have talked to before could be bothered to come and say hello. I was sitting with Noah mostly so it's harder for me to walk and say hello plus the whole group thing doesn't really invite you in. Many of these people love to talk without there group, for example at innoficiel competions where there's not as many people. Just sort of hurts your feelings and I know, I really just shouldn't care.
Rosie spent the day with my sister in law who called and asked for her since I was gone all day. Story has it she only peed inside once and they took a nap together on the soffa. Isn't that so cute? Thank you Lina!!
Todays best? All the shopping!!!!! My word did I shop! Here's just some of it because I can't remember it all:
2 show leashes (one french style that Rosie is going to premier in)
1 collar for Jake
1 beautiful collar and leash set for gucci, black leather
1 Puppia vest for Jake
1 christmas necklace for Rosie
1 chihuahua puppy in a pink bag, so adorable(stuffed animal)
1 collar and leash set for Rosie(pink italien leather with silver hearts)
1 cherry fleece for Rosie
1 Monkey Dazy shirt for Rosie
1 Puppia striped fleece for Gucci(That we might send to Roxy)
2 Puppia t-shirts, Rosie and Jake
1 Puppia t-shirt in pink for Rosie, Jake already has it in green
1 pee protector cup for Gucci:(
1 Dog book calender
And then some Plaque Off and Omega-3 oil.
Hmmm, I don't remember what else. Here's some pics of some of the stuff

(pics from www.lechien.se )
this in blue and black

This collar and leash set in black and gold for Gucci, it's really nice leather. I actually tried to buy this in beige/brown too for Jake but she didn't have his size.

This jacket/vest for Jake in brown

(these pics are from www.pupstore.se )