I've left my cleaning aside until tomorrow, gotten my babies for some cuddles in the soffa and a HUGE glass of red wine. F is up putting Noah down and I'm guessing I should have gotten some of our nice cheeses and crackers out but I don't care!
Here's the latest of my wants. I've been wanting a cellphone that has a keyboard so you can surf easy when bored and maybe even comment or write in blogs. Anyways, you just can't get a good phone with all in one. Either the cam is shit, or the battery isn't the best or whatever. So I've decided I'd like my phone to be a good phone with a decent camera.
The toy that I want and am going to get, hopefully for Christmas but my birthday is coming soon too so we'll see...but one of these, a pink one of course:

A miniPC! Kind of thing you can have with you easily when you're bored, when we drive in the car down south for example or whatever. We already have mobile internet so this would be perfect! Please Santa?
hallå darling tänk att jag hittade osten du rekomenderade i våran affär så i kväll så vart det provsmakning på den och den var jättegod :-).Har även rekommenderat den för andra kunder ;-) kram
Pink, absolutely:)
Rosa! =)))
Hej gumsan! Vi måste höras av, kanske på msn? Det verkar bli lite krock för oss datum-mässigt i mellandagarna hörde jag, men vi kan väl höras så får vi se.
Sen har du nåt att hämta på min blogg också. ;-)
Massa kramar//Indra
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