After many screaming matches I finally got some of my flowers in the ground. The seeds I planted can't be put out yet but maybe in a couple of weeks. Flowers are expensive! I still haven't bought half of all I need. I'm hoping the anuals will at least come back next year.
Busy busy as usual! Tomorrow Noah and I are taking a break in all the musts and heading to a town about an hour from here to watch a dog show. I'm not showing this time since I knew Fredrik had to work, so we're just heading to cheer!
Figured out today that if my sister in law and I don't take care of a bachlorette party than my other sister in law might not get one! We had no idea so we're on it now! Of course she has to have a fun girls party. Anna always, always always is great about doing for others and we are of course going to do the same for her big day! Since none of her friends or others who are in the wedding had any plans we got it all moving so planning meeting Monday night and that should be alot of fun.
Rosie is in heat by the way! Poor gang here have no idea why I'm keeping them apart. I might be a bit high strung about the whole thing because everytime she sneaks out of the livingroom I yell "Rosie NO!!" and when I go to bring her back she tinkles a little. It's going pretty good though but I do think Jake misses his buddy Rosie.
Have a great weekend! As soon as I get my camera emptied I'll show you what I find on it!
These two pics above are from my new phone!
Hej i värmen söta du! Jag måste bara kika in en snabbis och säga hej och se hur du har det. :-) Vi har varit i farten hela dagen så jag är helt slut nu. Det blir nog en liten middagsvila före middagen..*s*
Jag har lite nytt på vovvefronten förresten. ;-) Vi får höras på msn eller något. :-D
Ha en jättehärlig dag!
Massa kramar!
Hej söt! Bara en liten söndagshälsning när jag ändå kikade förbi för att se om det var något nytt på bloggfronten. ;-) Men nu ska jag vidare till ditt nästa lilla krypin och kika där i stället. :-D
Ha en härlig dag! Massa gokramizar!
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