First the boys and I got up and started cleaning and getting all the plants and lamps out of the windows because the window guy came and washed ALL my windows, he counted them to 53 windows! My word! That's the days plus, the windows are shining and he did a great job!
Noah, my little monkey, as said before he climbs on EVERYTHNG! I'm constantly running after him and getting him off the weirdest things. Anyways the kitchen chairs are usually ok, he's got them down pretty good. Remember I told you he fell yesterday outside and chipped two teeth? Well today he was sitting at the table with Gabriel eating grapes when I hear a big crash. The poor guy just fell out of the chair! I ran in and find his mouth bleeding some and now his two front teeth were really chipped and the one looked terrible. I made a call to the dentist who said they could see him at 2pm. When we got there they took a loot and wanted to get pictures but thought he was too young. They are sure the tooth will go black and die and it was a bit loose. The hope is that he can keep the tooth in because it's better for his adult tooth but apparently these kind of things are prone to infection and I have to keep a close eye on. If it' gets the least bit pussy they'll sedate him and pull it for him.
Andrew is my daredevil son, I have spent alot of time at the er with him having body parts x-rayed. Something tells me Noah is taking after him. What do you think?
Crazy Noah pic!
Sad thing is, Noah has this charming gap between his two front teeth and the most beautiful smile in the world. Such a shame that he hurt his teeth.
Oh, poor Noah. But he´s still adorable, I love the picture! :)
Ah Thanks Love :) He sure is, the cutest devil in disguise you ever saw:):)
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