Keep in mind whilst writing this I'm extremely pms'y but around here this is how it has gone.
F asks med what I wish for, I tell him. Both big and small things. In the next tiff we have he tells me I'm spoiled and wish for really expensive things and put pressure on him. I decided fine, I'm never wishing anything again. And I haven't, not for Christmas or my Birthday in the past 3-4 years. In these years here are just some of the presents that I have recieved(which makes your head really spin because olot of them are really expensive and more than I ever asked for):
30G Video Ipod
2 pairs of AWESOME Bose earphones, both in and on ears
Gold necklace (worth almost $1000)
$500 cash one year when we were going to the USA in Jan and even other things
Thomas Sabo Jewelry
Dyrberg&Kern Jewelry
Gucci bag and wallet(this was just a surprise though and not a b-day or xmas gift)
And so on, none of this is wished for but of course deeply apreciated.
Anyways, my wishlist is blänk again this year but my head is full of all the lovely things I want to buy for my loved ones. Give me your best wishes!

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