Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight Zone

What a weekend and I just don't know anymore. I consider myself a person with loads of self insight. I actually wished for a book for Christmas from my sons called "The New Earth". Just to get more help and knowledge with my bad sides, to find more harmony from inside. I'm well aware of my bad sides and good sides. What I don't get is that other people aren't!

I don't want to get into details because I have nothing to gain, but a few things have happend over the weekend that just make me wonder how other people think? It's like there's no more morals anywhere!

On the other hand, I'm so happy and going to focus on that. Had a nice weekend with shopping with my friend(found money in my wallet from hubby too:):), good food, nice talk with a friend that visited today, played outside with the dogs and my sons, hubby was there too, the boys and F went to the movies today and alot of other stuff!

I haven't changed one single diaper today either! F has put Noah to bed and gotten up with him in the mornings, so I've been pretty spoiled.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well it sounds like a new leaf is turning!!! hey I wanted to say....don't waste your money on the book!!!!!!!!!! It is Oprah's Book club right??? I bought the book after the show and it is very hard to read...and i only made it half way through before i gave up. Maybe in Swedish it will be easier!!!