I have about a million and one things on my "To Do" list. Clean is really the first and most important thing, the dust is taking over! It's such a beautiful day and that gives a split reaktion, I see the dust and dirt more but I'd love to sit outside in the swing.
My new glasses are ready and I'm going to call my irritaded husband to see if we are picking them up. He's such a grizzly bear in the mornings now a days so Noah and I hide out in the bedroom until he goes to work.

I would suggest a vacation but that meany is going to Italy soon "for work" and he's had a load of trips since Noah was born and been able to sleep all night. It will always be more sad for me, I can turn it in any situation. I have not slept a full night in about 9-10 months. See how easy that was!?!
I'm even really starting to wonder what the heck I'm doing, have you people seen my fat ass lately?? I am definately the type of person who feels "Blame yourself" nobody makes me eat all the crap I eat. I really need to get working on this.

And then we have all the end of school happenings to get thru. Gabriel has his "Summer party" on Thursday and then tomorrow it's Andrew's soccer game that I like to go to. Soon it's all three quitting daycare/school. Good thing about time moving so fast is that soon it's summer vacation! No times to watch and only soccer games to go to.
Few new things on the Noah front: He's so funny, he's starting to realize that everybody else is dangerous. He has a new cry(scream) if he's a little tired and anybody else talks to him. He even acts shy for Fredrik and his brothers if he's in that mood. Mommy, always mommy, is best!

Mothers Day was really nice! More about that soon, need to download my pics so you can see my really cool presents!
And that was my 5 minutes of fame, Noah is awake!
1 comment:
Jobbigt med dåligt morgonhumör :-(
Vad kul att Noah har börjat favorisera dig.. fast det finns förstås en baksida med det, och det är ju att ofta så blir det väl du som får kånka, bära och trösta också..? man lite trött om man inte får pausa från det. Som tur är så är de flesta stadier rätt korta :-)
Hur blir det med klänningen? den är jättefin.. du skulle nog passa i den.. och nej, du ser inte ut som tjocka katten på bilden!! :-D
Själv fick jag höra igår av nån fjortis på stan att jag hade stor röv, detta efter att hennes kille sagt "kolla rattarna" och peka på mig. hahaha, känner mig som en kossa
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