Gucci's kritik: Very good construction, a bit long in body, correct bite, very good head, could have a bit more dom,good muzzle, good eyes/ears, good shoulders, front is too open, out with elbow, correct chest, close behind, correct tailset,good tailcarrige,loose in front
He got a 2 quality this time.
Andrew and Gabriel in the car on the way to the show

How can this man look this hot at 6am!?!

Andrew and Gabriel in place. They were good for 5 minutes tops and then they were bored and let everybody know it. Brats!

Gucci on the table waiting for his turn

Look how good he looks when we walk, this has taken alot of training, he likes to nose the ground

Stressed out diva with her dogs

Noah was with us too but seems I missed getting a pic of him at the show!
You look hot, as always!! Soon me and Selma will keep ypou company att dog shows. But I will not look that hot! That´s a promise! Good luck tomorrow!!
Kul med bilder på utställningarna.. haha, kan du fortfarande inte ha klackar på utställningarna :-D
Kom inte in på länken.. kanske nåt med min dator förstås.. vilken mogen svåger du verkar ha *himlar med ögonen*
Åh så avundsjuk jag blir! Jag vill så gärna se henne! Gick det bra för er? gjorde det alldeles säkert :)
He gets top quality from me! And so does the rest of your beautiful family! xoxo
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