Last week I babysatt Little Wilmer and here's him and Noah playing

This past weekend was rainy and cold cold cold! But last weekend was high sommer and beautiful! We spent alot of time outside!
Gabriel playing with his new water swords! He's totally into this stuff right now and absolutely loves Star Wars

The boys enjoying being out in the wonderful weather

They even babysitt

Noah enjoying the shade

Kyle taking a break from working on our outdoor furniture

Andrew plays soccer, he loves it! He's our goalie and a great one at that

Last but not least, the two lovebirds in the emergancy room

Kul att se lite bilder från er.. ja hoppas vädret blir bättre till helgeu
Och vad kul att du äntligen får dina tjusiga naglar :-)
Im saying it again: Beautiful, wonderful Lori-family!
See you soon.
Lots of hugs
I hope Kyle and Fanny is feeling better now. Isee that my little Wilmer had a good time at your place when you took care of him. Once again, thank you!!
Jobbigt att du skriver på engelska jhue, jag suger verkligen på språk ! Härliga bilder i alla fall, Kul att Det går bra för lile Gucci i alla fall =)
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