If I can leave a comment without becoming a member, I usually do, maybe not to every entry but alot of them. I make no secret of which blogs I visit.
I recently was accused(of course not to my face because that would take a back bone and these people don't know what that is) of visiting one blog on a site you can not leave a comment unless you are a member. Thing is I have this persons blog saved so I go directly to there blog. The owner of the site must have done alot of leg work to figure out that it was me that always visited this blog(which I thought was open for all) to then ban my whole IP adress from the site. That meant that my son who has an account on this page got banned without so much as a warning, email or otherwise. Had we not known the owners of the site it would have meant he was shut out without a chance to get his pics off this site and everything was still active which meant other people could still access his page but not him. So sick I know.
I visit about 4 blogs on this site and don't leave comments anywhere because you have to become a member to do that.
Thing is, sure, I'm a curious person, but I visit these blogs just like I visit others. I know my own blog has a few that visit it everyday, why would that bother me that people want to come see what I'm up too. If it bothered me, I would have my blog under password to only let special people in.
I'm really quite mad about all of this childish crap, I was made to look like an idiot(of course to other people because as I wrote before, they only talked behind my back and never to me) and just a nosy busy body.
I want to as a closure, warn everybody for this site!! Your pics and blogs are NOT safe there since the site is run with absolutely no moral what so ever! If my son didn't know these people he would have never been able to get in touch with them to at least try and get his pics off and maybe print out his blog so he could save it.
Anybody who wants to know can ask and I'll send the adress privately. Would love to write it here but I don't want them here.

orkar inte skriva på engelska.. går fortare såhär.. är det alltså hela sajten som "bannat" dig eller är det en viss person från sin egen blogg?
jätte nyfiken på vad det är för sajt :-)
Och du.. om det bara är din IP-adress som är blockad så kan du ju skaffa en ny ip-adress,.. bara ett tips :-)
Löjligt det där.. om man inte vill ha besök på bloggen så får man börja lösenordsskydda eller skriva dagbok istället
kram kram!
Oj va jobbigt det lat...
Blir ju nyfis var det ar for sida helt klart... O skitsnack... Ja du, du vet ju sjalv vad som sades om mej for nagra dagar sedan... Forsok att inte bry dej!
Det ar jag Anna men det gar inte lamna en kommentar med namn av nagon anledning...
What can i say... so sick!!! I mean if you have problem with people reading your blog then get a f*ing password, or write a personal diary! Which site is it? I definately understand that you're mad about this. Poor people to waste so much energy on crap! Kisses to my favourite DIVA!
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