Last Saturday F took the day off(I know, don't faint please) and we decided to take the boys to the big activity playhouse type of place(Lek&Buslandet). Noah the "I can't let my mommy out of my sight" little tike took off and LOVED the place! He climbed, jumped, played in the balls and just had the time of his life! Andrew and Gabriel where happily surprised too.
Here's a few pics of our gang having fun:
I think Noah spent 2 of our 3 hours there in this area

The trampoline was pretty fun

Slush is a must, even for mom!
Vilken härlig dag! Man ser hur lycklig lillkillen är där i bollhavet :) Kram!
emma, verkligen! Jösses vad han hade roligt. Efter 2 super stressiga "mamma mamma mamma" veckor var det så härligt att se honom slappna av och bara skratta och ha roligt. KRAMAR
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