My brother is still very seriously ill, on the ventilater still. Doctors don't know what the ground issues are but are convinced it's neurological and are debating sending him to UofM(Universaty of Michigan) hospital from Kentucky where he's at now. Of course that helps our family out alot because they all live in Michigan(30mins from the hospital) but makes it alot harder for his wife and two daughters(whom of course would come to Michigan with him). UofM is just so world known for it's expertise so we'll see what was decided. He possibly was sent yesterday already. I still don't know if I should go home or not. Problem is, there's no "if he get's worse", that means he passed on, that's how sick he is. Just taking it one phone call at a time.
Anyways, other than that all is good, all my boys are doing great! Noah is walking like crazy, laughing all the time and more happy. Gabriel is doing great in school and with his sports. Andrew same there, sports sports sports! Kyle has started taking photagraphy serious and we'll see how that goes. He wants a new camera for christmas:)
Gucci is starting an obedience class in a couple of weeks, I'm really looking forward to that. Last but not least, here's a pic of Jake in his favorite cozy position every evening when Noah goes to bed and him, Gucci and I cuddle in the soffa and I check out things on my laptop.

Hej på dig på kvällskvisten! :-) Åhh..Gucci har en så underbar färg!Sötnos! =))
Vad kul att du också väntar på saker från Anna. Du måste visa grejerna här sen, så man får se vad du har beställt. Det finns ju så himla mycket fint där så man blir tokig.*skratt*
Jag hade faktiskt Loxy's saker i en del av en vanlig garderob från början och det funkade ju jättebra det också. En övre del med klädstång högst upp och en hylla under som jag ställde lite korgar och annat på, med småsaker i, plus att jag satte fast krokar på insidan av garderobsväggarna. Det blev riktigt fint faktiskt.
Usch, vad trist att du har migrän du också, jag lider med alla som har det där. Men skönt i allafall att du har medicin som tar udden av det värsta i allafall. Det är ju guld värt. Hoppas ni hade en trevlig lunch på stan du och Noah med väninnan idag.
Kramar om!//Indra
I really hopes your brother is getting better soon. Just give me a call if you need anything...
Oh, I´m so sorry to hear about your brother. :(
I´m a bit speechless now but of course we hope he´ll be all right. Love and best wishes/ L
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