What a day! We are so awesome, Noah, the dogs and me. Woke up and decided on a long walk and got ready to go. Headed to F at work, about 5km from here. Walked pretty fast and made it in time for a cup of coffee. After giving my body a chock start we got a ride home. Made it just in time for my friend to come and we hade a delicious sallad lunch. After that I got about a one hour break, well sure my little terrorist was running around but at least I got coffee again. After that it was time for the next happening, Gabriels soccer practice. Kyle is working off some hours here so he kept Noah and Gabriel, the dogs and I headed for practice. COLD!! but nice. Got home in time for a quick dinner and now F is up putting the boys to bed. I seriously need to get pics of all the stuff I want to sell! But first, Idol and coffee again.
This is what it looks like when we head out for our walks, pic is not from today but a few weeks ago.

(The little dog bed under is for Jake, after a few km he gets tired and rides under the stroller, soooo cute)
And here's Swedens cutest soon to be 1 yr old
Haha vilken frän bil han har, verkar som han gillar den också.
Nemone har en efter max, men vi ska ge henne en egen av något annat slag nu när hon fyller år.
Åh tänk om jag kan vara så hurtig som du är, ups har jag fattaträtt nu i din blogghahaah du vet ju hur in engelska är....
sköt om er kram
Show us you stuff you are selling, hurry hurry lol!
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