Anyways, just relaxing after an odd kind of day. Both a good and bad one.
I did manage to spend a fortune at my favorite childrens clothing store, Polarn&Pyret and now Noah is ready for the fall. All the boys have new jackets and soon time to jump into winter shopping.
Here's some of Noahs new cool clothes. I like browns and greens but that's apparently not the happening on the boy front this winter. Some really cool purple clothes though! These are like a mix between rain clothes and fall outerwear, he'll probably need a snowsuit but I think I have most of Gabriels stuff saved.
This in red

Very cool jacket

Matching pants

At the same store he got jeans, a shirt, socks, a hat and some mittens, so cute.
Gabriel even got new clothes today, jeans, undies, a shirt and a really nice hoodie.
I surprised F with a super tough pair of Adidas I wanted him to have

Thing is, my goal was to look for curtains! I'm still so extremely design inpared I neeeeeed help!!!
Nice shopping!! Thanks for the nice "date" today!;-)
Why on earth do you want curtains? These windows don´t need no curtains. Buy some more clothes instead, or a bag. :)
Åh jackorna var ju jätte fina, skorna tyckte jag bäst om för jag har sånna själv..
Hoppas allt är bra med er, här börjardet gå åt rät håll.. kram
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