My hubby, realising the errors of his way, has repented and we are back on speaking terms. We decided to take a bath yesterday evening and I threw in a "Sexbomb" in the water. While in the bath our friend T calls to get the details for Saturday evenings tapas party.
F to T- I'm in the tub and Lori threw in one of those sexbombs (giggles)
T to F- ohhh now you have two sexbombs in there
F to T- ????ehhhhhh???? two sexbombs???
I laugh, T laughs and finally F says OOOHHHHHH, now I get it!!!

hahhahhahahahhahha grabben är trögtänkt my sexbomb wet kizz
aww he's blind :( hehe. Btw wasn't there 3 sexbombs in that tub? And I dont mean F now ;) He's double blind!!
Kisses to the sexiest!!!
Hahaha! fått badskum i ögat då han inte kunde se badbomben (dig) i badet ;-)
sexbomben mena jag juh! Astrid gastar här brevid så jag kan knappt tänka
He´s quick-witted sometimes, huh? :)
Thank you for the lovely evening and all that favourite food! I´m still stuffed. *S*
Love & kisses / L
Hoppas ni hade trevligt pa eran roadtrip!
Ville bara forsakra mej om att dina saker kommit fram och sa ar det obligatoriskt med bilder! LOL
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