Have I even wrote about why we are up i the north of Sweden? Fredriks work usually closes week 32-33 every summer so the "family" can get some time off too. This year they decided to work a convention up here. We have our major convention Elmia every September where we show all the news and happenings, it's huge! This year though, they decided to do Nolia convention too. As it would happen the show is week 32, convenient. We decided to come up with F because he thought it would be a nice way to get a vacation. So he's gone working all day but like I wrote before, there's tons of stuff to do here so we should be just fine!
Bad thing is, the weather sucks today, cold cold cold! So everything the boys want to do cost money. My spoiled little diva sons don't seem to find the huge playground amusing. Best for them they change there mind because we've been here one day and I'm already considering buying a tent for them to stay in.
Our day so far!
We got up and thought we'd eat breakfast outside, it's pretty cold so I had to bundle Noah up!

Then the boys got a little money and ran to the arcade. They got 100kr a piece and it was spent within 15 minutes.

Noah is doing his cool hipp hopper thang

Look at the boys out by the sea, can you imagine how nice this is when the sun is shining and it's warm!?!

Finally we went for some ice cream at the Ice Cream House, this was sooooo good. Waffles with vanilla ice cream and then a sprinkles and syrup buffé! All other inserts about fitness and workouts are voided for the time being.

jäklar vilken osis ni har med vädret tror säkert att det är ett riktigt fint ställe med solen o värmen framme Stackare.Tänker på er och följer med spänning kramar.
Ah well, the weather will be bad here too so thats no loss. Anyway, handle over the ice cream please! Mmm!
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