We were both so worried we let him sleep in our bed! That has never happend not once. Don't tell F but I kind of like having the little fur ball next to me.
Anyways, when we got up this morning he wasn't as bad but still swollen so I called the vets. Guess who had summer closed? Called another vet and they thought he should be seen, sounded like a snake bite! but they didn't have time. Called back to the animal hospital that wanted me to come in (it's an hour away!) and informed me that it could be a long wait since they were busy.
I'd say we got there about 11.30 or so and we left there at 6.15 pm(18.15). They did blood work and his liver levels were a little off and he did have an infection in his blood. At first they wanted to keep him over night and give him an IV for flouids but decided he could come home with a perscription for antibiotics and we need to keep a strict eye on him and make sure he drinks. We even have to temp him!(I'm so bribing fredrik to do that!).
So F's away right now getting his medicine and I'm just trying to have a cup of coffee, I had Noah with me you know! Exhausted!
We were supposed to go to Ewa's for coffee and some kind of cake I'm sure, hope I get the offer next week instead. (yes Ewa that's for you haha)
Here's mammas sweety with his ribbons from The World Dog Show a couple of weeks ago, that whole story to come! It was a doozy too.

I´´m so glad that Gucci to an vet. Snakebites is quite dangerous. I had an dog (roughhaired Collie) that got bitten by an snake. I lost the coulour of his nose. It turned white and the skin on the nose changed too. He got antibiotics too. I hope we can meet soon and make plans for our dog shows! Take care!
"I´´m so glad that Gucci to an vet. " I meant "I´m am so glad that Gucci got to an vet." ;-)
Usch då! Vad bra att han är bra nu då, eller ja, bättre med medicin och så. Ormbett är ju inte att leka med.. skumt att första veterinären inte ville titta på honom ändå, såhär på sommaren när det finns massa med ormar.
Antar att det var strömsholm ni fick åka till? Vi har också varit där med Doris när hon blev jättekonstig och bara satt och skakade. Förmodligen hade hon vittrat eller sett en björn när vi var i jämtland. Hon blev bra sen, men det tog ett tag innan hon hämtade sig.
Ja, alla är långhåriga ! En är tingad och Roja ska jag behålla och troligtivis Doris med ( den blåa) vi få se, kanske sätter jag ut henne på halvfoder eller nåt =)
Vad roligt att träffa er! :) Hugs!
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