1: The weather is supposed to be 13 degrees on Saturday and 10 degrees on Sunday up north. In my city, 24 and then 22.
2: I have extreme PMS, feel pissed off and hungry non stop.
3: Gabriel got what we thought was an ear infection and we had him to the doctors last night. It was ear eksema that he has had before and got drops for both ears.
Sum of this, things can only get better:)
Here we go! The Vehicle

The Dad

The Mom

The boys

The babies

The View

The Driver

My friends C and K have saved my outlook, thank you girls! Luleå is so doable when it's only 40km. If all else fails, SHOP!
Love and kisses from the travellers!
hallå tjejen följer spänt eran lilla road trip hoppas vädret inte blir alltför taskigt kramizar på er alla
Snygg dress Noah har.. Theo har en likadan.. fast hans går i blått och byxorna i rött och blått. Hoppas ni får en trevlig resa!
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