7 years ago yesterday I was on my way to Örebro for another weekend at my sweeties house. I knew he'd been planning something, some kind of surprise. He acted so funny and suspicious. When I finally got here and we headed up to his apartment(way high up in his building and no elevater) there was a beautiful brand new Crescent bike waiting for me!! I couldn't believe it! I still absolutely LOVE my bike! Sneaky as he is, we took a nap and hung out for a few hours. Thinking my surprise was the bike we just had a great time and planned for going out to dinner that evening. After a while he got up and opend a bottle of champagne(confident little shit aint he) and gave me a glass. He then got down on one knee(yes he really did) and said some loving words and pulled a box out of his pocket! Yes he proposed! So adorable! A perfect ring with a diamond, and he had bought his ring too of course. We had already planned for me and my sons to move here and had bought a condo.

He took on my two sons as his own. He has always treated them lovingly and done everything for them that there own father doesn't. You name it, he does it!

Together we have two more sons

And two boy dogs

We've sense sold the condo and moved in to our beautiful new home. Loads of water under our bridge together. I love you honey! Thank you for loving me!
Awwwww, that´s nice. :)
So romatic...:-)
Wow! Najs. You´re so cute! *hugs*
Naaaw! vad gulligt, har iofs redan hört denna historia en gång, men ack så romantiskt.
Har funderat på det där, hur vet man vilken storlek den andra har på fingret, vet alla det utom jag? I framförallt amerikanska filmer så har de ju alltid ringen köpt när de friar. Själv vet jag ju knappt vad simon har för storlek på sina kläder, haha
You're so sweet! You're worth it all! I say it again; Beautiful, beautiful Lori-family!!!
Loves and hugs
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