I have had it!!
Gucci will be 2 yrs old in a month and I'm done! That horny little hounddog is getting his jewels cut!
Gucci has always marked, it gets better in periods but always comes back. I can never trust him to be in the living room for example because I never know if he's going to mark on my light couches or my shaggy rug. If I leave him out of his pen when we leave he sneaks upstairs and marks or poos in one of the kids rooms.
About a year ago I bought belly bands:

They are so so, he's so slim so he manages to push them down below his peepee and can go on marking.
In June I bought a new style, pee cup is what they are called and sure, it's better but everytime i go out to pee with him I notice it's wet and I have to change the pantyliner and hand wash it. He even stinks pee when he wears these.

Anyways he was having a better period I thought so I left the pee cup off for a few days, well let me tell you!
Yesterday I got suspiciuos since I forgot to close the door to the living room and sure enough I found wee on my sons blanket and my fancy pillow. Ok ok ok I thought, maybe he was just trying to say he needed attention. When I went to wash the damn pillow it was hand wash only!! I hate hand wash! Ggrrrr
This morning I got dressed and headed to the laundry room for one of my nice knitted sweaters I wanted to wear. I hang alot of my good clothes and this one hung and the arms hung down. Put it on and was sitting having my coffee when I noticed a funky smell. Pulled one arm up to my nose and no, it was ok. Pulled the other arm up to my nose and burried my face in it and took a whiff, ohhh my goodness! Yuuukkkk, it stunk marking pee!! GUCCI!!!!!!
I got home from my trip to the city and came home and went out with the dogs. Came in and after a little bit I see Gucci running out of our mud entrance where I had forgotten to close the door. YEP you guessed it, he marked in there on my boot heater! I put his pee cup on him and next time I took them out to pee it was wet again!!!!!
Sorry, I'm pulling hair here. When you talk to chihuahua owners they will tell you there dogs are house broken but they mark! What's the difference really?
Shows go great for Gucci and I probably could lease him out to breed but I've had it! I'm calling the vets and he's getting kastrated! Everytime I threaten him with it, it's like he knows what I mean because he usually gets better for a while hahahaha.
Alot of people say it can get better or completely stop, the marking. Some say it hasn't helped there dogs at all. We'll see but I have to try.
Here's the peeing wizzard