As usual busy busy, school is starting on Monday and we're almost ready for it. Shopping and filling in forms!
Just some cute stuff from this past week for ya
Rosie, queen diva

Last week we had the oppertunity to spend the day at the racetrack. Fredrik and his brothers and father got to first drive a car around the track for hours and take turns then one of Swedens best STCC drivers, Ted Björk, took them for a spin in this Ferarri! Very cool! Next time he said he wants to take me for a spin, not as sure about that though.

Last but not least, guess who's a big boy now!!??
Noah, the daycare goer:) My little guy started his very first day at daycare on Tuesday. By the end of next week we hope to be able to leave him "for real".
I said, Noah say cheese, he turned his back haha

Daddy helped get the "1st day pic"

Anyways, figured out some people are VERY!! curious and that's to be expected when you blog. I'm thinking of maybe coinsiding my two blogs and running one. Maybe writing both in english and swedish? Give me feedback please? Or is it better to keep it like it is?
One more thing! I'm really not the tech freak I think I am, I can't get the pics off my phone and need help when F gets home. Just to show you that special something that came in the mail this week!
Hi there!
I found your blog online while searching for 30 somethings.
I would like to invite you to -we have some members from your area and are always looking for more. Lots of great people from all over North America. We're based in Canada....hope that's not a minus :) It's not quite Sweden
Hope to see you there as a member :)
I look forward to the picture:) I think you can have only one blog, and blog in English as most people read and write English?
P.S I lost my picture and my sms, I wrote an email to you.. got it?
Lilla söta Rosie <3 Det var så kul att ses i Ronneby, hoppas vi ses i ringarna under hösten också. Jag ska till Öland, Helsingborg (Sofiero och Eket) och Växjö. Hur ser din kalender ut?
vad söt han är, lilla Noah som står så bestämt med ryggen emot :-) haha
Att du inte passade på att åka i bilen du med.. fast det är klart, någon vansinnesfärd är ju kanske inte det roligaste man kan utsätta sig för, tycker hariga jag iallafall som körde min gocart sist iallafall 1 varv efter alla andra!
Noah är precis som Jonatan ! haha vad roliga dom är. Du får göra som du vill med bloggarna, bara du behåller den svenska med, jag är inne och läser båda två flera ggr om dagen =) Kram
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