Let me start with the dog show we were at a couple of weeks ago!
It was a fun day and Jakes breeders were there which is extra fun. Jake was the absolute show dog and he did better than ever! I am so proud of him!
First he won over the other boys, after that he won over the winning bitch and made it thru to the group finals(if you don't know dog shows it's way to involved to explain all of this now but if you're intrested just ask). Well inte the group ring there were about 15 dogs he competed against! First the judge picked out 5 to continue on, that she liked best and then we had to walk for her again. At first she had placed Jake as nr 1 but then switched us to nr 3 but wow!! Jake, BIG-3! What a man!

Rosie didn't have as much competition but even she did great! She made it thru to the group finals and placed BIG-4! This show was real fun because all the group winners got presents!

Congratulations to the GREATE result in the dog show
from Flyfisherswe
Stooooort Grattis! Han är så fin!
Nu börjar det dra ihop sig tills Avesta min vän! Vad kul vi ska ha!
Ska jag ta med något speciellt?
Tänkte också införskaffa ditt mobilnummer. Kan du pm:a mig det? Kan ju vara bra att ha! För här inne ser man dig ju inte lika ofta längre *fniss*
Glömde säga att du ska ge Noah en krya på dig puss från mig. Usch för vattenkoppor...
Massa GRATTIS gumman! :-D Så jätteroligt! Hoppas allt är bra och att Noah är på bättringsvägen. Lilla stackarn, jag minns faktiskt hur jobbigt det var med klådan fast det var så längesen jag hade det.
Må så gott så hörs vi.
Kramar om i massor!
Grattis till strålande resultat !! Vad roligt !
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