Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My Friend(hate it)

Yepp, it's back! It may not seem like anything to you but I've been without mine for a year and a half! I did NOT miss it either! The bad thing is, and this is really bad, Fredrik asked me if it was back before I even told him. I was sort of not saying anything so he couldn't blame these last few days on it but he knew anyways! I keep looking for what signals I left around because he's not really that attentative lately.

Which, by the way, I'm way past pms really. Still mad as hell about it though.


Anonymous said...

surt o få tillbaka mensen, det var ju rätt skönt o slippa.. fast å andra sidan kan du ju nu skaffa ett till barn o så gör jag det också och så slipper jag mitt trista jobb ytterligare ett år!! ;-)

..jag är förresten inte gravid.. bara planerar för att OM jag skulle bli det så slipper jag gå till grodan själv sen, hehe :-D

Du kanske behöver lite av mitt pms tuggummi förresten ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ahh poor you! Well there's two options now. Levona or a baby. Who wants friends like that?

Anonymous said...

I meant Levonova :P

Anonymous said...

I would be affraid ....very affraid..of having another one now that you can......two words BIRTH CONTROL....lol take care...love your sis!

Anonymous said...

Where are you? Haven´t seen you in a while. Miss you! Been out looking for you everywhere, screaming, shouting, crying: LOOOORIIII!!!
But not the tiniest little glimpse :(