I put Noah in his highchair for a second to go out and see how it was going when Fredrik fixed with the pool. Of course Noah didn't like this and started to wine a bit, which means that my phsyco dogs wine too! Extremely high pitched at that. I ran to go back into the kitchen to shut them up and ran a little to fast. I litteraly flew over the threashold and hit the floor with a major CRASH!
Lying on the floor like a wounded seal I scream, the dogs scream and Noah screams!
I must be some kind of New Age Superwoman at the very least because I'm certain I have several broken bones(ego) but because I have such a high pain tolerance I'm just keeping it together. I do however have a couple of serious cuts and huge bruses on my arm and one on my leg and lots of other places that hurt, places I didn't know I had.
Worse is my shoulder though, killing me and I have to pick up Noah...aj aj aj. Cluts! That's me!

Oh! Deary, deary You! *trying not to grin to much* Darlinggirl! Tell F tomorrow´s your Wounded Diva Day and that you´ll need full service all day long.
aj då! kan dock inte låta bli att fnissa lite åt sättet du skriver på :-)
Håller med inläggget ovan...en frukost på sängen till sjuklingen vore ju på sin plats ;-)
Ojoj!!! Stackars dig!! och dessutom hälsade inte L till dig från mig ikväll! :) Så jag hälsar här! Hej Lori!
Ja, jag åker på Torsdag natt så jag är där uppe i tid =) Ring du, så får vi prata mer sen ! Kram !
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