I was going to show and tell about the past week. So many happenings. BUT...two little miracles came to the world and have left me feeling lucky to get to know them. So proud of my two friends, first time moms, strong, beautiful, and many other things.
One due on 6/6 and one due on 20/6 but both decided to give me a heart attack and head for the delivery room the same day! Funniest part was Thursday evening when I received a photo of an adorable little girl with the message "Here I am since 20.18, Mom and Dad's longed for little daughter". The message was from the proud father whom I didn't have the number to so I had no idea which one of my friends this princess belonged to. White pages helped us there and we figured it out.
The next morning I still hadn't heard from my other friend and was getting a little worried, but finally around 10 I got the longed for message that a little boy had come to our world in the middle of the night.
Since both of these women had met at one time I messaged the one friend to let her know that the other one had even gotten her daughter and perhaps they would run in to each other. Funny thing is, she messaged me back, not only did they run in to each other, they shared a room!
Anyways, I'll close with a beautiful poem that my wonderful friend
L welcomed Noah to the world with. (L, I know I never wrote a comment to this poem but I saw it a couple of months after when I realized I hadn't read your blog in ages and went way back, now I read it everyday. It took a little research but I found this, thank you)

(Photo Anne Geddes)
Det är som ett mirakel
när ett barn har blivit fött
- ut kom en liten mänska
som ingen förut mött.
Ett spädbarn är så vackert
och dess doft helt underbar.
Och det är nåt visst med blicken
som är sällsamt vis och klar.
Från den stund man tar emot det
blir inget mer detsamma.
För ett barn förändrar livet
för sin pappa och sin mamma.
Ett sånt hav av ömsint kärlek
som plötsligt väller fram
för detta lilla under
som ännu vägs i gram.
(Ett nyfött barn, av Siv Andersson)
L with family and K with family, we are so happy for you and your families. Congradulations!!!