Well we made it thru Christmas and now Fredrik and I have tons of stuff to do during our time off. Fredriks out at the house today working with the electritions and I'm getting ready to go to work for a bit and open the bills and mail.
We now know we will have our inspection on the 26th of March, which means we even get the keys to the house that day if everything goes according to plan.
The carpenters have plastered all the upstairs walls and are now working there way thru the downstairs.
The electritions have drawn all the cables and pipes almost thru the whole house and have just half of the downstairs left to do.
We went and finalised most of the ceramic tiling and the kitchen is ordered! We finally found a painter that's coming out today and going to leave us a quote on all the work(our sales guy for the house totally missed this and that we decided 6 months ago that he would fix a painter and now we are ready for one to come in and still no one around).
The man that's putting in our chimney and laying the tiling will come in the middle of January and get his work done. I'll be putting out on our photoalbum http://engstrand.myphotoalbum.com the appliances and tiles we have chosen plus more pics of the house that i took right before Christmas.
Yesterday Fredrik even ordered the closets for the boys rooms, of course we are running late and they only had 4 closets in stock and we need 8 so we had to order a few.
We are even about to order all the cabinets for the laundry room plus order all of our appliances.
Yesterday I went to the paint/wallpaper store and borrowed 6 catalogs that we can look at and start getting an idea of what we want the walls to look like.
More to come...........
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