Saturday, February 14, 2009


Things don't always go accordning to plan. We were supposed to go visit a little boy yesterday that will be 5 on Monday. Well his mother called yesterday morning to let us know that the little boys dad (Fredriks brother) had a violent stomach flu(again) and that the party would have to be moved. Her whole family were coming and our family. Her parents home is too small so she thought we'd all meet at the company where there is at least room for all of us. When Fredrik told me about this I decided to give her a call and offer our home. A 5 year old should be able to have a great party! Even if the company is nice it's not the greatest party place.
Anyways we cleaned an fixed things around here and welcomed 20 people (including us) and hade a great time. I even got two buquets of tulips and a pott holder, isn't that sweet?

The small babies got dressed up for the party too. We hardly ever have a chance to use all there cute stuff so yesterday we took the chance!

Just show some cute pics here:
Noah loves the camera, he runs and gets it or the cellphone and says picture, picture, then he runs up real close to me and laughs

Jake and I tried to take some pics but it's not easy, here he looks great and I look mad

Some tender convincing

If I cuddle in here to mommy nobody will see me

Before the party everybody needed a nap, Gucci likes to go disapear in one of the beds but Jake and Rosie love to cuddle up to me and Noah

I forgot to tell, last weekend when we went to the dog show, Fredrik took the boys and Gucci up to the ski/sledding slopes and had a great day. F is however quite the amature and didn't even make sure Gucci had a collar on so he had to make a loop in his leash. Gucci hates the snow really but something tells me he had a great day and he even got to go sledding with the boys. I didn't get any pictures though.


Anonymous said...

Vilken mysig bild med Noah och vovvarna sovandes bredvis varandra!

Anonymous said...

Lugn bara! Det är faktist bevisat genom forskning att man känner sig mer älskad om man äter choklad. Något ämne där i som påverkar det tydligen! Så på det viset så är det bra med MASS choklad *hihi*

Tack så mycket! Vad snäll du är!
Ska pussa lite åt dig också!


Hundmodebloggen Posh Poodle said...

Vad gulligt av dig att fixa festen! Och du ser inte alls galen ut på bilden, ni är söta båda två :) Ser ut som om Jake sportar Wooflink ;)
Såg att du såg svaret i min blogg innan jag hann skriva här med, bra :) Är ju lite inkonsekvent men försöker svara på frågor om hundkläder hos mig själv, det kan alltid glädja någon annan också :)
Klart Rosie ska ha en ny körsbärströja, den är ju ljuvlig! Och det är min nya dator också :) Är glad att jag tog den bruna, den kändes glammigast (förlåt, Indra)! Och jag planerar att matcha med ett guldigt modem :D Har du förresten köpt skin eller case än? Snygga tips?
Stora kramar!
ps. Haha, Noah har så skön sovstil :P

Anonymous said...

gullig hund.. är det din?

Kanske står här nån stans, men mina kunskaper i Engelska är =0 .

Tittade i alla fall in *ler*
Ha en bra dag