Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I know

It's like a tomb in here isn't it! But let me just gripe out my Christmas for you. The first weekend the boys had off of school Kyle and Andrew started getting sick. Fever, headache, cough, you name it! Kyle was ok for Christmas, just a little stuffy, but Andrew was really sick. I took him to his dads anyways and he agreed to take him to the Dr. if he got worse. Well down south Gabriel started getting really sick with a high fever. We pushed him full of asperin and he did good for the holiday.
We drove home on the 26th and the 27th guess who woke up with an achey body and high fever? Fredrik! Well he stuck to the bed all of the 28th and bless him he dragged himself out of bed and helped me get ready for New Years Eve.
The day before the Eve, guess who got a HIGH fever and runny nose and so on? Noah! He probably was the worst of them all and it took a few extra days for him to recover but we headed down south again for my mother-in-laws 60th birthday (we headed down on the 2nd and her b-day was the 4th). Everybody was still sniffling a little but ok.
So the 3rd we at least made it to the big dog show I was looking forward to and had a great time. Let me just say a real idiot and his know it all attitude got shown the door with a 2 in quality..hahaha, sorry, I'm a bitch and was happy as pie to see this idiot not have a clue as to what he's been bragging about.

We headed home yesterday and Gabriel started to complain on the way about being car sick, which he never is! Well guess what? It wasn't car sickness it was the flu!! I spent some good time cleaning up my bathroom floor and he got a bucket. Today he's better thought and so far nobody else has gotten sick. Just pray I don't get it because F has a visitor from Germany tomorrow and can not help with Noah!

So, I still have no fun pics to show, it's coming! xoxoxoxox


Anonymous said...

HAHA, men vilken tur för dej at Tazza ska bli mamma i vår, snart dags att utöka flocken med en ny tik va ? Om jag skulle få för mej att sätta nån på halvfoder, kan jag ringa dej då :P

Ja, det va super trevligt att få träffas ! och vi försvann ja, vi skulle bara äta, men fastnade vid all shoppning och gud vad vi handlade och timarna bara gick. när vi kom till hotellet run 17.00 kom vi på att vi inte ens druckit npt kaffe ! haha, och det sjuka va att det hände samma sak på söndagen, kaffet glömdes bort och vi handlade !! haha, kram på dej !

Hundmodebloggen Posh Poodle said...

Stackare! Vilken otur med alla sjukdomar och sjuklingar :( Hoppas du själv lyckas hålla dig på benen!
Ställde du någon av dina små i gbg? Shoppade du loss? *nyfiken i en strut* Kram!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? My God! I hope nobody else get sick!! I tried to get hold of you inte phone, I want some inofromation about the show!

Monica Hansen said...

Stackars! Hoppas våren kommer snart och solen strålar bort alla flunsor... krya på er!